Hitchin Lavender Farm Hertfordshire family photoshoots

I’m very lucky that each year I get to photograph in Hitchin Lavender Farm in Hertfordshire. People travel from far and wide to my hometown of Hitchin,  to enjoy the fields of purple lavender. I’ve been photographing here and promoting it since my first visit in 2006 and I’m proudly featured on their website. Every year I make new memories with new families who want to enjoy the fields and have me along so they can remember the occasion!

The owners and team that work at Hitchin Lavender do a brilliant job in keeping the field looking so beautiful, and providing a fun place to visit. If you go make time to visit the shop and the cafe too! This year there is even more to enjoy.

After light refreshments in the barn cafe, little Rosalie and Claudia scampered up the hill and down again, bobbing through the deep purple flowers. There was not a cloud in the sky, it was a truly gorgeous day. Once at the top Rosie declared she needed a cat nap, so had a lay down on the handy bench at the top, that lets you enjoy views across the field and surrounding countryside (unless you are cat napping that is). What I enjoy most, as with each family photoshoot, is capturing the very essence of your children, how they interact and let you remember them and look back on the photos in the years that follow. So take a peek at this beautiful family and please get in touch if you’d like me to photograph you there.  It’s breathtaking.




Thank you to the lovely Dan’The Scribbler’ for having me along to capture his lovely family!
If you’d like to book me for a family shoot or a wedding please just get in touchget in touch I’d love to hear from you!

  • Thank you so much Dan, it was a pleasure to photograph you sweet little family. Glad they enjoyed it. Thank you for your comment.

  • Sharon is an amazingly talented photographer. She just gets how families tick – even when children get a bit tired and grumpy. I would strongly advise you to get her to do a family shoot for you. we had so much fun and this really is something to treasure forever! Thank you so much Sharon!

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