Maddy and the Bluebells


The Bluebell is the sweetest flower
That waves in summer air:
It’s blossoms have the mightiest power
To soothe my spirit’s care

I love wild bluebells and have been photographing them for years, these bluebell woods are captivating and send me giddy with excitement. The canopy overhead affects the blooms and the range in colours.  Much later flowers this year, yet as spectacular as ever. With a carpet of blue, the beech trees allow the dappled light through to make a magnificent show.  This shoot features Maddy, the bluebells with outfits and accesories supplied by Jolly Brown Vintage and Tatty Devine.


The ever changing light dance through the leaves overhead and produce a range of completely different colours. From vibrant cold blues and greens one moment, to pretty warmer tones another.  All part of the adventure, listening to wood pidgeons as the sunlight danced creating colours, magic and life.


Styling:Hannah, Jolly Brown

Clothing & Accessories, Jolly Brown
Jewellry: Tatty Devine from Jolly Brown
Boots: Top Shop

Big thanks to Maddy and Hannah. Have you got a favourite place you love to return to over and over, perhaps at a particular time of the year? Id love to hear about it, please leave me a comment here..

Sharon Cooper is a Hitchin Wedding and portrait photographer, who specialises in creative, emotive and fun location photography.



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